Psychometric Tests

Psychometric tests are a reliable scientific method used to measure an individual’s mental capabilities and behavioural style.

Beyond the traditional interview questions, psychometric tests are great tools to determine a potential candidate’s compatibility for a role based on:

  • Their skills
  • Personality characteristics
  • Competency
  • Aptitude
  • Cognitive abilities

The information collected from these tests can reveal hidden aspects of candidates that are usually challenging to extract from a face-to-face interview.

When used correctly, these tests help with talent management and retention and prevents a high turnover rate by identifying fitting candidates.

Premier Advisory offers a slew of professional, well-designed tests. Companies can use these psychometric tests to assess each candidate further and get a clearer picture of how they might perform and behave in the workplace. They are a reliable indicator of a candidate’s job performance capabilities and leadership qualities.

These tests can also be used to accurately measure the skills of existing employees and enable you to re-skill the workforce as needed to stay abreast of the constantly evolving needs of the industry.